
According to The Natural History Museum, the Spinosaurus inhabited North Africa. They lived in tidal flats and mangrove forests. Wikipedia says that tidal flats are also called Mud flats. They are coastal wetlands and are formed in intertidal areas that sediments have been deposited into by tides or rivers. They are an important ecosystem that supports a large population of wildlife. According to The National Ocean Service, Many mangrove forests can be recognized by their dense tangle or prop roots that make the trees appear to be standing on stilts above the water. Mangrove forests, like tidal flats, have lots of benefits. They stabilize the coastline by reducing erosion and their intricate root system makes the forests attractive to fish and other organisms that are seeking food and shelter from predators.

Tidal Flats

picture of Brewster tidal flats picture from the Britannica of tidal flats picture of tidal flats from the Captain Freeman Inn

Mangrove Forests

picture of mangrove forests from the National Ocean Service picture of a mangrove forest picture of a mangrove forest from Wikipedia